Internet Direct (Indy)
TReplyStatus Class

Response to an echo request.

TReplyStatus = class(TObject);

TReplyStatus is a record structure used to store the response to an echo request in the Ping method of TIdIcmpClient

TReplyStatus contains diagnostic information received as a result of the Ping request. TReplyStatus is also provided as a parameter to OnReply event handler in TIdIcmpClient


Specifies the number of bytes in a response to an echo request. BytesReceived can be 0 to indicate an error condition, or when a time-out occurs prior to receiving a response to an echo request. 
IP address received in a Ping response that identifies the host responding to the ping request. FromIPAddress can have the value '' to indicate an error condition, or when a time-out occurs prior to receiving a response to an echo request. 
Byte value that identifies the message type received in response to an echo request. MsgType can have the value 0 when a time-out occurs prior to receiving a response to an echo request. 0 - net unreachable 1 - host unreachable 2 - protocol unreachable 3 - port unreachable 4 - fragmentation needed 5 - source route failed 
Sequence identifier of the response to an echo request. SequenceId can be assigned the internal sequence number of TIdIcmpClient when a time-out occurs prior to receiving a response to an echo request. 
MsRoundTripTime is a LongWord value in TReplyStatus that indicates the total number of milliseconds required to return the response to the echo request. MsRoundTripTime is calculated using the originate timestamp in the echo request and the number of milliseconds since midnight on the local computer. 
Byte value that indicates the Time to Live, in seconds, returned in the response to an echo request. TimeToLive is decremented at each machine in which the datagram is processed. TimeToLive is updated when TIdIcmpClient decodes the TIdIcmpClient.ReplyData response to an echo request. 
ReplyStatusType is a TReplyStatusType member variable that contains the type of replay decoded in the response to a TIdICMPClient echo request. 
Internet Direct (Indy) version 10.1.5
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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