Internet Direct (Indy)
TIdSocketHandle.Send Method

Sends data using the socket handle for the connection.

function Send(
    const ABuffer: TIdBytes; 
    AOffset: Integer; 
    ASize: Integer = -1
): Integer;
Buffer with data to write to the socket handle.
Offset in the buffer to use for writing data.
Number of bytes for the send operation. 

Integer - Number of bytes written to the socket handle for the connection.

Send is an Integer function used to write the data specified in ABuffer to the socket handle for the connection. 

AOffset indicates the initial position in ABuffer to begin reading data for the write request. 

ASize indicates the number of buyes in ABuffer to include in the sewnd operation. The default value is -1, and indicates that all values in ABuffer should be sent using the socket handle for the connection. 

Send uses GStack to access the Send API for the protocol stack using the Handle for the connection, ABuffer, and AOffset as arguments. 

Send returns the total number of bytes sent over the socket connection. 

Use SendTo to write data to a specific IP address and port number using the socket handle for the connection.

Internet Direct (Indy) version 10.1.5
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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