Internet Direct (Indy)
TIdRemoteCMDClient.UseStdError Property

This property indicates if TIdRexec or TIdRSH should use a StdError port with the server.

property UseStdError: Boolean;

UseStdError is a Boolean property that indicates if TIdRexec or TIdRSH should use a StdError port with the server. 

When UseStdError contains True, the client listens on a port for a connection from the daemon and the server connects and uses that port to send any error messages. 

When UseStdError contains False, the server sends error information through the main connection. 

StdError ports are used because Rexec and RSH are primarily Unix-centered, and Unix programs often use a StdError pipe. StdError data must be handled separately from non-error related output. 

The TIdRemoteCMDClient.ErrorReply and TIdRemoteCMDClient.ErrorMessage properties are not effected by this property at all. 

If the user is behind a firewall, the TIdRemoteCMDClient.UseStdError property should be set to false because a connection to a Rexec or RSH daemon may fail if it can not connect to a user's StdError port. 

The default value for UseStdError is IDRemoteUseStdErr as assigned during initialization of the component.

Internet Direct (Indy) version 10.1.5
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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