Internet Direct (Indy)

Implements marking a message for deletion in the POP3 mail store.

OnDELE is a TIdPOP3ServerMessageNumberEvent property that represents the event handler signalled when a threaded client connection performs the POP3 DELE command verb. 

OnDELE allows the server to implement marking a specified message for deletion in the mailstore on the server. OnDELE must verify that the specified message number is not already deleted in the mailstore. OnDELE defers physical removal of the message to the OnQUIT event handler. 

OnDELE is triggered by the command event handler that implements the TIdCommand for DELE for the threaded client connection. 

Assign a procedure to the event handler to allow responding to the event notification. The OnDELE event handler is not triggered if the TIdPOP3ServerThread.State property contains a value other than Trans. 

The event handler is responsible for writing positive POP3 responses; Negative POP3 responses are written by the command event handler that triggers OnDELE when TIdPOP3ServerThread.State does not contain the value Trans on entry, or encounters an exception in the event handler.

Internet Direct (Indy) version 10.1.5
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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