Internet Direct (Indy)

Contains utility types, procedure, functions, and constants used in the Protocols package for the Indy library.

IdGlobalProtocols.pas contains utility types, procedure, functions, and constants used in the Protocols package for the Indy library.

Exception raised when the Time Zone could not be retrieved. 
Provides access to MIME types for the local computer. 
Indicates the Windows platform and operating system for an Indy application. 
Converts ABNF rules and data to plain text. 
Converts a string representing bits to an integer value. 
Separates a string into a list of tokens using a specified delimiter. 
Converts a Cardinal value to its representation as a four character string. 
Converts a character to its representation as a two-byte hexadecimal value with a prefix. 
Fills a string list with values from a comma-delimited string. 
Converts binary values from network byte order to host-specific byte order for the data type. 
Converts binary values from network byte order to host-specific byte order for the data type. 
Copies the source file to the destination file. 
Converts binary values from host byte order to network byte order for the data type. 
Converts binary values from host byte order to network byte order for the data type. 
Indicates if the specified path already exists in the local file system. 
Ensure the message identifier contains angle brackets used in the NNTP protocol. 
Retrieves the size of a specified file. 
Gets the current time on the local system as an Integer file time value. 
Get the default file extension associated with a MIME type and subtype. 
Retrieves the MIME type for a given file. 
Generates a unique file name with the specified path, prefix, and file extension. 
Converts an Internet time difference string to a native date/time value. 
Converts a GMT time string to the local time. 
Determines the local host name for the computer system. 
Converts a string value to its Boolean representation. 
Determines if a character contains either '0' or '1'. 
Indicates if a Host address represents a valid Domain name. 
Indicates if a Domain name is fully-qualified, but not a top-level domain name. 
Indicates if a character is valid for use in a hexadecimal number. 
Indicates if a value is a Host name and not an IP address. 
Checks an address for the presence of a top-level domain name. 
Indicates if an argument contains a valid IP address. 
Constructs a unique name for a temporary file. 
Determines the larger of two Integer values. 
Copies string characters using positions and length. 
Converts four byte values to their representation as a Cardinal value. 
Resolves a directory path containing relative path information. 
Extracts a parameter argument and its value from a RFC-complaint message header. 
Calculates a rotated-left value. 
Calculates a rotated-right value. 
Finds the index of a search string using a specified starting position. 
Updates the time on the local computer. 
This function converts a string value into a cardinal.. 
Converts a string to its representation as a Word value. 
Converts the specified characters to their representation as a Word data type. 
Determines the Windows platform and operating system for an Indy application. 
Converts a Word data type to its string representation. 
Converts a Word value and stores the two byte values in a ByteArray. 
This is type PByte. 
This is type PWord. 
LWS is a constant that represents the legal whitespace characters that can appear in the headers for a MIME-encoded Internet message. 
Represents an array of short month names. 
TIME_BASEDATE is the default value for the TIdTime.BaseDate property. 
Represents the short names for days of the week. 
Provides the local computer name on the .Net platform. 
This is variable GIdDefaultCharSet. 
This is variable GOffsetFromUTC. 
This is variable GTimeZoneBias. 
String representations of the Boolean value False. 
String representations of the Boolean value True. 
Internet Direct (Indy) version 10.1.5
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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